Want a Holistic Approach to Good Health?
Do you feel confused by the contradictory health information out there and just want help to understand the basics of what to do to be and stay healthy? You aren't alone, we hear this daily!
Are you frightened by the rise of diseases such as cancer and seeking tools for prevention? Did you know NZ has the 2nd highest rates of cancer per capita in the Western world? Australia is No.1 . Are you taking the little known life changing antioxidant mineral that helps prevent cancer? Farmers are well aware of what nutrients their life stock requires to prevent tumors, growths and cancers, but do you?
Do you want to lose weight? To look and feel younger? Have more energy? To help a loved one who's just not feeling well but doesn't have the answers? These are the normal concerns we have for our loved ones
Are your children on the spectrum or have allergies, eczema, ADD, ADHD, food intolerances, or had an adverse reaction to a vaccination?
We've seen an explosion in the rates of children with these afflictions over recent years. We are specialists in helping families get the answers and support they are searching for. Utilsing electro acupuncture (EAV) we investigate the energetic signature of these child hood illnesses and implement holisitc approaches to restoring health using homeopathics, herbals, food and supplements.
Have you tried everything, gone everywhere, and your's or your families health still isn't where you want it to be? Do you want reassurance that you haven't imagined or caused your suffering? A lot of our clients tell us that its been a very lonely journey for a lot of them, that was until they found the help, support and answers they were searching for from our team.
Are you one of the many women considering or taking HRT, BHRT and getting no relief? Are you suffering from migraines, PMT, PMS or infertility? Many women are finding that there are many other options to consider.
As a guy, has your libido dropped since you reached the 40's? Are you keeping your prostate and mens health up to scratch to enjoy the fruits of your hard labour when you retire?
Do you want to feel like yourself again? To regain mental clarity and balance? To gain spiritual support and tap into your souls potential to heal once and for all?
EAV - Electro Acupuncture According To Voll
How accurate are the results? Very…
Research published in the “Journal of Naturopathic Medicine” concluded that ‘electrical conductance data reviewed correspond with histological reports. In clinical practice, EAV instruments are useful tools to work alongside standard blood tests, radiographic images and case histories. The integration of reliable and valid bioelectric medical instruments into the clinical setting augment the ability to rapidly evaluate tissues…. Bioelectric medicine offers clinicians new quantitative methods for evaluations subtle electromagnetic changes in humans.”
The foundation of this technology is the work of Reinhold Voll, M.D. almost 50 years ago. Voll’s work is often referred to as electroacupuncture according to Voll (EAV). Although relatively new to Western Medicine this testing system is understood, accepted and widely used in many other countries including Germany, France and England. Today’s testing equipment is the end product of a 30-year evolution of Dr. Voll’s work that utilized a modern computer program, a sensitive ohm meter and a signal generator. Unlike many practitioners that will sell you $000’s of remedies to take.
Your session fees include the price of any remedies your body requires and these are energetically transferred directly into you using a process called radionics.
Saving you $000’s and time also the hassle of remembering to take remedies that you don’t know if you need any more.
Vitamin & Mineral Deficiencies
The idea that you get all your nutrients from food is fine, but virtually impossible in practice in this day and age.
Erratic eating habits, eating late, drinking with meals, insufficient chewing of food, eating on the run and stress contribute to poor digestion, making it difficult for our bodies to extract and absorb all the nutrients it needs from food.
We can't get all the correct balance of nutrients in our food every day as nature intended, as our food today is highly processed, genetically modified, sprayed with damaging insecticides, pesticides and fungicides and is prepared in a way that most of the nutrients are destroyed. These will be checked on your EAV session.
1. Poor digestive ability
2. Insufficient nutrients in our food
3. Food preparation and storage
4. Pharmaceutical drugs
5. Environmental toxins and heavy metals
6. Water quality
7. Weight loss programmes
8. Fatigue: Loss of Energy, Depression
9. Skin Problems: Eczema, Rash, Itchy or dry skin
10. Digestive Problems: Irritable bowel, Bloating, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Good/Bad Gut Bacteria, Digestive Enzymes
11. Mouth and Tongue problems, Ulcers
12. Hair and Nails
13. Joints & Muscles
14. Mental States
We work with many clients who are looking for help to investigate if they have any vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
Many clients have been suffering with multiple signs and symptoms listed above for many years.
Heavy Metals and Other Environmental Toxic Triggers
Heavy metals are everywhere these days and its very hard to remain exposure free.
Heavy metals such as mercury, aluminium, lead and copper can settle into the brain and other organs, such as the liver, and affect their ability to function properly.
Potential consequences include: anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)-(ADD), Parkinsons disease and Alzheimer disease. Another possible result is migraines. There are also thousands of other questionable or flat-out toxic chemicals that your'e regularly exposed to in your office, your home, your food, your water, the air you breath, and so on.
These chemicals can eventually enter your brain and disrupt its electrical impulses. Many of us have no control over our environments-what we breath, what we're exposed to-but we do have the power to remove these toxins from our bodies.
For information on this talk to us about a session on our electro acupuncture machine to investigate what you may have in your body.
Epstein Barr Virus (EBV)
Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) And chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) are on the rise.
It’s becoming common for young women to be diagnosed with CFS in your late teens or early 20s. This can be particularly devastating as you watch friends move on with relationships and jobs, meanwhile feeling stuck and unable to live up to your full potential.
Women who get CFS in their 30s, 40s, or 50s have their own obstacles: while you’re old enough at this point to have an established life and support network, you also have established responsibilities. You’re likely trying to be everything to everybody, taking care of more than you can handle, and so you feel the pressure to act normal when CFS hits.
Compounding the isolation for both age groups are the feelings of guilt, fear, and shame that accompany their misdiagnoses. I’m sure that if you have CFS, you’ve been in the depths of physical suffering and had someone say, “But you look perfectly healthy.” It is so disheartening to feel unwell and hear from practitioners, friends, or family that there’s nothing wrong with you.
Men aren't immune to EBV and we have had countless numbers of men in clinic ranging from 20 year old's to 65 year olds.
Chronic fatigue syndrome is real. It’s the Epstein-Barr virus...
If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then you are in the right place. You will find all the answers and help that you have been looking for right here..
Discover Electro-Acupuncture
This service is intended for:
People with medical conditions, dis-ease, pain and discomfort, cancer, low immunity, low energy, anxiety and depression, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, menopause symptoms, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, MS, epstein-bar virus (EBV), shingles, children with ADD-ADHD, children with vaccine induced disorders and anyone that has just about tried everything but still isn't well...
DISCLAIMER: We do not make any medical claims for the EAV/EDS SC-5, nor do we claim medical diagnostic ability for this hardware . The SC-5 functions as an ohmmeter and biofeedback instrument. The operator controls the use of the equipment.